56 research outputs found

    Intercropping of soybean and proso millet for biomass production

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    Sustainable agriculture considers production of high quality food and feed with minimal impact on environment. Intercropping is one of the most efficient ways to produce valuable biomass for animal feed rich in nutrients. Intercrop combinations: alternating rows of soybean and proso millet (S-M), alternating strips with 2 rows of soybean and 2 rows of millet (SS-MM-SS) and alternating strips with 2 rows of soybean and 4 rows of millet (SS-MMMM-SS); single crop of soybean and single crop of proso millet were tested. The effect of bio-fertilizer Coveron was also followed. Aboveground biomass was harvested and land equivalent ratio (LER), as well as leaf area index (LAI) was determined. All intercropping combinations increased LAI of soybean when compared to monocrop, to 43% and 84% in SS-MM-SS combination with and without Coveron, respectively. Coveron slightly increased LAI. The highest values of biomass yield were obtained in S-M intercrop for soybean (39% and 42% higher in relation to monocrop, in combination with and without Coveron, respectively) and in monocrop for proso millet. Nevertheless, the highest LER value was obtained for SS-MM-SS combination without Coveron (1.12). In intercrops treated with Coveron slightly lower LER values were obtained for S-M and SS-MMMM-SS combination (0.97 and 0.98, respectively). Irrespective to sowing way, results indicate that 1:1 ratio of soybean and proso millet in intercrop (S-M and SS-MM-SS combinations) is the most promising way to achieve high biomass yield.Održiva poljoprivreda obuhvata proizvodnju visoko-kvalitetne hrane i hraniva sa minimalnim uticajem na životnu sredinu. Združivanje useva je jedan od najefikasnijih načina za dobijanje biomase visoke hranljive vrednosti. Ispitivane su sledeće kombinacije združenih useva: naizmenični redovi soje i prosa (S-M), naizmenične trake 2 reda soje i 2 reda prosa (SS-MM-SS) i naizmenične trake 2 reda soje i 4 reda prosa (SS-MMMM-SS); samostalni usev soje i samostalni usev prosa. Praćen je takođe i uticaj mikrobioloÅ”kog đubriva Coveron. Nadzemna biomasa je sakupljena i odnos ekvivalenata zemljiÅ”ta (LER) kao i indeks lisne povrÅ”ine (LAI) su određeni. Sve kombinacije združenih useva utiču na povećanje indeksa lisne povrÅ”ine soje u odnosu na samostalni usev, do 43% i 84% u SS-MM-SS kombinaciji sa i bez Coveron-a. Coveron neznatno utiče na povećanje LAI, u proseku. NajviÅ”i prinos biomase je postignut u S-M kombinaciji za soju (39% i 42% viÅ”a u odnosu na čisti usev, u kombinaciji sa i bez Coveron-a) i u čistom usevu za proso. Ipak, najveća vrednost LER-a je dobijena za SS-MM-SS kombinaciju bez Coveron-a (1.12). Kod združenih useva tretiranih Coveron-om, slične vrednosti LER-a su dobijene za S-M i SS-MMMM -SS kombinacije (0.97 i 0.98). Bez obzira na način setve, rezultati pokazuju da je 1:1 odnos soje i prosa u združenim usevima (S-M i SS-MM-SS kombinacije) najperspektivniji način da se postignu visoki prinosi biomase

    Relationship between structural elements of seeds and physiological traites of maize hybrid seeds

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    The exepression of morphological and physiological traits depends primarily on the hybrid combination and then on the ecological conditions of the environment. The material used in these studies were performed with maize hybrids from the maturity group (FAO 600), within the groups we had two hybrids (H1, H2) derived at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje and produced in two locations. Seeds for laboratory testing were divided into six fractions (SP, SO, SSP, SSO, KP, KO) and after that working samples of 10x100 seeds were formed. Under laboratory conditions, the following seed traits were analysed: 1000-seed dry weight prior to germination (M2), seedling dry waight (M3), ensosperm dry weight afret to germination (M1), seed emergence (IV), germination rate. The aim of this study was to determine the difference in seedling dry weight and endosperm dry weight after to germination according to seeds fraction and hybrid combination. The averge of 1000- seed dry weight in both hybrids is 315.0 g. The weight of the M3 ranged between 17.7 g. And 19.9 g. The difference in M3 between seeds of different sizes is significant for SP and all other fractions except for KP. M1 ranged from 235.5g. do 360.0 g. M1 differed significantly between SP, SO, KP, and KO. M1 and M2 did not influence the formation of the sedling dry weight. Ek differs according to the shape of the seed, the seed of flat fractions has an energy> 80%, while the seed of round fractions is <77%. The rate of seed germination ranged from 84-100%. Flat fractions had more affected rate germination than round ones. The hybrid combination and seed fraction was statistically significant for all observed traits. The effect of genotype x location and genotype x fraction interactions was the most important on the formation of seed weight. Sedling seed is the first stage in the formation of a seed crop. The rate of seed sedling formation and its weight are important aspects of the success of further production

    Evaluation of inhalation technique of community pharmacists - focus on dry powder inhalers

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    Lečenje astme i hronične opstruktivne bolesti plucĢa (HOBP) zahteva optimalnu upotrebu inhalatora. Farmaceuti imaju značajnu ulogu u edukaciji pacijenata o pravilnoj upotrebi inhalatora, uključujucĢ i inhalatore za suvi praÅ”ak (eng. Dry Powder Inhalers, DPI). Cilj studije je bio da se procene i uporede veÅ”tine demonstracije farmaceuta za DPI pre i posle edukacije. U studiju su uključeni samo farmaceuti bez prethodne obuke za pravilnu upotrebu inhalatora. Skor farmaceuta je procenjen na početku i nakon obuke za pravilnu upotrebu 5 tipova DPI. Učesnici su dobijali 1 poen za svaki od četiri pravilno izvedenih koraka. Statistička analiza je izvrÅ”ena koriÅ”cĢenjem SPSS programa (verzija 25). Wilcoxon test je koriÅ”cĢen za poređenje rezultata pre i posle edukacije. Prosečan skor nakon obuke bio je 3,8Ā±0,57 za sve tipove DPI. Uočena je statistički značajna razlika (p<0,05) u postignutim skorovama pre i posle obuke farmaceuta uzimajucĢi u obzir 594 poređenja. U 575 slučajeva skor je bio viÅ”i nakon obuke, u samo 2 slučaja skor je bio niži, dok je u 17 slučajeva bio izjednačen. Ukupna stopa greÅ”ke za prvi korak (priprema uređaja) bila je 2,86%, za drugi korak (izdisaj) 4,71%, za trecĢ i korak (udisaj) 6,73% i za poslednji korak (zadržavanje daha) 5,56%. Rezultati ukazuju da je obuka unapredila veÅ”tine farmaceuta u vezi sa tehnikom primene DPI. To može doprineti boljoj kontroli astme i HOBP, nakon edukacije pacijenata. Ovo je posebno važno imajući u vidu da su farmaceuti najpristupačniji zdravstveni radnici.Treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) requires optimal use of inhalers. Pharmacists have a significant role in educating patients on the correct use of inhalers, including dry powder inhalers (DPI). The aim of the study was to assess and compare pharmacistsā€™ DPI technique demonstration skills before and after the education. The study included only pharmacists without previous training for correct use of inhalers. Pharmacistsā€™ score was assessed at baseline and after the training of the correct use of 5 types of DPI. The participants were given a 1-point score for each of four steps performed correctly. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS program (version 25). Wilcoxon test was used for score comparison before and after education. The mean score after training was 3.8Ā±0.57 for all types of DPI. There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in achieved scores before and after pharmacists' training taking into account 594 comparisons. In 575 cases the score was higher after training, in only 2 cases the score was lower, while in 17 cases it was even. The total error rate for first step (device preparation) was 2.86%, for second step (expiration) it was 4.71%, for third step (inhalation) it was 6.73% and for last step (holding breath) it was 5.56%. The results imply that training improved pharmacist skills regarding the DPI technique. It may contribute to better control of asthma and COPD, after education of patients. This is especially important considering that pharmacist are the most accessible health care professionals.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022, Beogra

    Variability of maize inbred lines in nitrogen use effciency

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    Nitrogen (N) is an important element for many physiological processes in crops, and grain yield realisation. Nitrogen loss could be significant through leaching and evaporation, and from this reason lower quantities for fertilization are required. A genotype could be an important source for improved N management in crops. Breeding for high yield and nutrient-efficient genotypes is the most important strategy to enable food security, resolve resource scarcity and environmental pollution. Variability of 36 maize lines grown in optimal and low-N (without fertilization) conditions was assessed through grain yield, 1000 kernel weight, N utilization efficiency (NUtE) and N apparent recovery fraction (nitrogen use efficiency ā€“ NUE), during seasons 2017 and 2018. The genotype and year are important sources for variation of grain yield, 1000 kernel weight and NUtE, as a factor which defines N utilization efficiency. The lines, such as L1, L6, L13, L16, L26, L27, L32 and L34 are able to achieve higher grain yield when grown on low-N. Furthermore, L16, L22, L24 and L26 have high NUtE values in both experimental years (even in 2017, season with low and unequal precipitation level), especially in low-N treatment. From that point of view, they could be characterized as efficient N users, even in low-N conditions, as well as tolerant to stressful conditions. Nevertheless, L1, L6 and L27 are the lines with negative NUE, what gives them attribute as the best N users in low-N conditions. Based on the similarity of NUtE values, the genotypes such as L2, L3, L4, L8, L11, L12, L14, L15, L16, L18, L19, L24, L26, L32, L33, L34 could be considered as the primary focus for further breeding programs, due to the fact that they donā€™t have only improved NUE, but also high grain yield (even in unfavourable years), which indicates improved tolerance to various abiotic stressful factors.Azot je element koji je važan za brojne fizioloÅ”ke procese, kao i ostvarenje prinosa useva. Veliki gubici azota se ostvaruju putem ispiranja i evaporacije i stoga se preporučuju niže doze ovog elementa za đubrenje. Genotip može predstavljati važnu bazu za efikasniji menadžment azotom kod useva. Selekcija genotipova sa visokim prinosom i efikasnoŔću iskoriŔćenja nutritiva predstavlja važnu strategiju za istovremeno obezbeđivanje sigurnosti hrane, reÅ”avanje nedostatka resursa i zagađenja životne sredine. Varijabilnost u reakciji 36 linija kukuruza gajenih u uslovima optimalne N obezbeđenosti i niskog N (bez đubrenja) praćena je tokom 2017. i 2018. godine, preko prinosa zrna, mase 1000 zrna, efikasnosti iskoriŔćenja N (NUtE) i nadoknade N (NUE). Genotip i godina su predstavljali važne izvore variranja prinosa zrna, mase 1000 zrna i NutE, kao faktora koji definiÅ”u efikasnost iskoriŔćenja N. Linije L1, L6, L13, L16, L26, L27, L32 i L34 su imale veće vrednosti prinosa u uslovima niskog N. Osim toga, L16, L22, L24 i L26 su imale veće vrednosti NutE tokom obe eksperimentalne sezone (čak i u 2017, sezoni sa nižim nivoom i loÅ”ijim rasporedom padavina), posebno pri niskom N. Sa te tačke gledaÅ”ta, navedene linije bi mogle biti okarakerisane kao efikasni N potroÅ”ači, kao i genotipovi sa većom toleratnoŔću na stresne uslove. Takođe, L1, L6 i L27, sa negativnim NUE vrednostima bi mogle predstavljati najekonomičnije N potroÅ”ače u uslovima niske N obezbeđenosti. Na osnovu sličnosti NutE vrednosti, genotipovi L2, L3, L4, L8, L11, L12, L14, L15, L16, L18, L19, L24, L26, L32, L33, L34 bi mogli da predstavljaju fokus, odnosno, mogli bi načelno da se uzmu u razmatranje u selekcionim programima, s obzirom da nemaju samo poboljÅ”an NUE, već i visok prinos (čak i tokom nepovoljne sezone), u odnosu na ostale genotipove, Å”to bi ih moglo okarakterisati kao genotipove sa poboljÅ”anom tolerantnoŔću na abiotički stres

    The effect of a plasma needle on bacteria in planktonic samples and on peripheral blood mesenchymal stem cells

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    In this paper, we study the application of a plasma needle to induce necrosis in planktonic samples containing a single breed of bacteria. Two different types of bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), were covered in this study. In all experiments with bacteria, the samples were liquid suspensions of several different concentrations of bacteria prepared according to the McFarland standard. The second system studied in this paper was human peripheral blood mesenchymal stem cells (hPB-MSC). In the case of hPB-MSC, two sets of experiments were performed: when cells were covered with a certain amount of liquid (indirect) and when the cell sample was in direct contact with the plasma. Most importantly, the study is made with the aim to see the effects when the living cells are in a liquid medium, which normally acts as protection against the many agents that may be released by plasmas. It was found that a good effect may be expected for a wide range of initial cell densities and operating conditions causing destruction of several orders of magnitude even under the protection of a liquid. It was established independently that a temperature increase could not affect the cells under the conditions of our experiment, so the effect could those hPB-MSC that were not protected by a liquid, gas flow proved to produce a considerable effect, presumably due to poor adhesion of the cells, but in a liquid the effect was only due to the plasma. Further optimization of the operation may be attempted, opening up the possibility of localized in vivo sterilization

    Synthesis and characterization of palladium(II) complexes with glycine coumarin derivatives

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    A Pd(II) complex with methyl 2-([1-{2,4-dioxochroman-3-ylidene}ethyl]amino)acetate was synthesized. The structures of both the ligand and its Pd(II) complex were determined by elemental analysis, and IR and NMR spectroscopy. Recrystallization of the Pd(II) complex from DMF/water solution resulted in its hydrolysis and the formation of the dimethylamine (2-[{1-(2,4-dioxochroman-3-ylidene) ethyl} amino] acetato) palladium(II) complex, the structure of which was determined by elemental analysis, IR, H-1- and C-13-NMR spectroscopy and X-ray analysis.Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3626

    Facile synthesis of L-cysteine functionalized graphene quantum dots as a bioimaging and photosensitive agent

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    Nowadays, a larger number of aggressive and corrosive chemical reagents as well as toxic solvents are used to achieve structural modification and cleaning of the final products. These lead to the production of residual, waste chemicals, which are often reactive, cancerogenic, and toxic to the environment. This study shows a new approach to the modification of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) using gamma irradiation where the usage of reagents was avoided. We achieved the incorporation of S and N atoms in the GQD structure by selecting an aqueous solution of L-cysteine as an irradiation medium. GQDs were exposed to gamma-irradiation at doses of 25, 50 and 200 kGy. After irradiation, the optical, structural, and morphological properties, as well as the possibility of their use as an agent in bioimaging and photodynamic therapy, were studied. We measured an enhanced quantum yield of photoluminescence with the highest dose of 25 kGy (21.60%). Both S- and N-functional groups were detected in all gamma-irradiated GQDs: amino, amide, thiol, and thione. Spin trap electron paramagnetic resonance showed that GQDs irradiated with 25 kGy can generate singlet oxygen upon illumination. Bioimaging on HeLa cells showed the best visibility for cells treated with GQDs irradiated with 25 kGy, while cytotoxicity was not detected after treatment of HeLa cells with gamma-irradiated GQDs
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